Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Overview

A strategic comprehensive search engine optimization program starts with the development of a SEO plan, including a website review, keyword research and selection, competitive analysis and a search engine optimization tactical plan.

Our goal is to rank a client’s website in premier positions on the organic search result pages of the major crawler-based search engines. We first identify the measurable client goals and objectives, then select the optimum target keywords and then optimize the page content and/or create keyword-targeted information pages which we integrate in the website. Those pages are carefully created to target two to three keyword phrases. We also pay close attention to link building, specific strategies for increasing the number of inbound links from other websites, which result in higher rankings and more traffic.


Benefits of SEO

  • Higher website conversion rates and more revenue or web leads through better keyword targeting
  • More targeted website traffic from cost-free clicks through improved rankings in the search results
  • Additional search engine visibility for many keyword combinations related to the core keyword phrases
  • Organic search engine listings can triple the click-through rate for the same keywords when they appear with paid search listings on the same page

Zeus Media
Website Design & Marketing
Carlsbad, CA